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FAQ’s & Myths

Questions & Answers

  • Modular homes are built just like any traditional site built homes except they use modules that are built in a factory and then put together on site.
  • The modules are picked up off the carriers by a crane and placed on a foundation.
  • Both must be built to meet the same state and local building code requirements.
  • Modular homes typically have 30% more lumber and higher insulation values than site-built homes.
  • Modular homes appreciate and gain value in the same way traditional homes do.
  • Modular homes are deeded to the property.
  • They are financed, taxed, and insured the same as a stick built home.
  • Once a modular home is complete, it is extremely difficult to see the difference between a modular home and a traditional stick built home.
  • Cost. Modular homes typically cost less than comparable site-built homes. Reduced construction time means less interest paid on your construction loan.
  • Factory Environment. Materials stay dry. Employees are highly trained for specific jobs. Highly efficient.
  • Quality. 30% more lumber than site-built houses. Typically have more insulation for energy efficiency. Built on jigs for increased build accuracy. Inspected by independent third-party inspectors.
  • Time. A modular home can be completed in 4-7 months vs. 9-12+ months for site-built home.
  • Convenience & Reduced frustration. One source for all material selections. Single point of contact. Service & structural warranties.
  • It takes 4-7 months from the time of ordering until ready for move-in. This can vary depending on weather, contractor schedules, factory load, etc.
  • Add an additional 1-2 months if we are finishing the second floor of a cape or 2-story.
  • A more complex home will take longer.
  • Be advised that the lending process before ordering can take 2-3 months, sometimes longer.
  • Can I get hardwood floors, metal roofs, granite counter tops, brick, stone?
  • YES. Our modular homes are very customizable from simple color options to different kitchen layouts to high-end options.
  • Just ask your housing specialist.
  • Some options will be direct from factory, while others would require local vendors.
  • We can complete garages and/or decks.
  • This can be added to the price at time of sale.
Yes a modular home can be placed on a basement.
  • Off-Frame modular homes – Off-Frame modular homes are lifted off the steel frame carriers by a crane and placed on a foundation.
  • Build construction – Our homes are built with 2”x6” sidewalls 16” on center and 2”x10” floor joists.
  • Examine the cabinets and trim for quality materials, fit and finish.
  • Review the brands and warranties for items such as shingles, siding, carpet, doors, and windows.
  • Make sure you are comparing “apples to apples.”
  • Some retailers and builders will quote only the home without installation, foundation, HVAC, appliances, etc.
  • Make sure the build specifications are comparable.
  • If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Some builders may have “cost overruns” that they bill back to the customer. Be very cautious if a retailer/builder changes the price significantly during the sales process and definitely at closing.


A new home is the biggest expense of your life. Don’t buy one without checking out all the alternatives. Find out why in some states one in four new homes are now modular.

Modular home pricing myths.

While it is possible to give ranges, firm pricing can only be quoted once the house plan, options, land, etc. is selected. The reason is that, since a modular home is customized to your specific needs, pricing will vary based on the design, size of the home, quality of construction materials used by the manufacturer and the options you choose. In addition, there are variances in the cost of foundation and other site specific costs. Finally, there are differences in the costs for land, labor, etc., from one location to another, which is one of the reasons the price of both site built and modular homes vary from town to town and region to region.

Here are the 3 biggest myths and the truth that debunks them.

  • MYTH: Modular homes can be bought for a fraction of the price of a site built home.
  • TRUTH: Although modular homes are often a solid bargain, you should not expect an unrealistic discount to other types of building. When you purchase your new modular home, you are choosing unmatchable quality and speedy completion. If a modest savings accompanies those features, you win in every way. As in any business, you will find as many pricing policies as you will with builders and dealers. Be alert. Sometimes there are genuinely good buys, but watch out if it sounds too good to be true.
  • MYTH: Small affordable modular homes are the best buy.
  • TRUTH: Not necessarily so. As the home size increases, the modular home gains in cost efficiency. After all, the savings on a modular home is on materials and labor. It logically follows that the bigger the house, the more materials and labor, the greater the savings.
  • MYTH: Modular homes are more difficult or more expensive to finance.
  • TRUTH: The myth couldn’t be farther from the truth. A modular home is as financeable as a site built home. Some banks even specialize in modular lending.
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